• recent studies by the council of europe show that ______.a.it is only in britain that wild

  • a.conspicuouslyb.usuallyc.surprisinglyd.sufficiently

  • 在所有计算机会计输入环节中,我们经常用“垃圾进,垃圾出”来说明数据输入对会计核算软件的应用所具

  • 资格预审公告应满足发售时间不少于()个工作日。a.5b.7c.10d.15

  • 换土垫层按其回填的材料可分为()。a.湿土垫层b.砂垫层c.灰土垫层d.碎石垫层e.混凝土垫层

  • the aspect of houston's work most extensively discussed in the passage is itsa.psychologic

  • what's the main purpose for many student exchange organizations to establish scholarships

  • 案情复杂、期限届满不能终结的案件,可以经()批准延长1个月。a.上一级人民检察院b.省级人民检察院c.

  • country risk refers to political risk existing in a country.a.rightb.wrongc.doesn't say

  • 给出下面程序的代码:byte[ ] array1,array2[ ];byte array3[ ][ ];byter[ ][ ] array4;下列数组

  • 海关工作人员在调查处理违法案件时,遇到有()情形的,应当回避。a.是本案的当事人或者是当事人的近

  • the word hallmark in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning toa.characteristicb.problemc.disadv

  • 以下各项中,()是该企业申报转关时应向海关提交的单证。a.进境汽车载货清单b.进口付核销单c.进口转

  • he was made ______ me with my maths.a.helpedb.helpingc.to help

  • 不需要办理隐蔽工程验收的项目是()。a.基础工程b.钢筋工程c.模板工程d.防水工程
